The Cindy and Clem Chronicles

We’ve created so many memories and crazy stories together. For Christmas this year, some of my favorite memories will have their stories told on this website. Now you can come here enjoy just some of the endless memories between Cindy and Clem!

Washington DC

Playlist Live 2017

Barnegat Backyard

The Butterfly

Hamilton Mall

Christmas Shopping

On the Plane

Vacation beginning's

777 Tattoos

My first tattoo

My house, Smithville

Bandmates forever

Merry Christmas, 2023

I love you Cindy!

I wanted to do something different and special for you this Christmas… so I compiled a few of our thousands of amazing memories together. I hope you love this idea, and will come back to look at this website and enjoy it whenever you like.This website will always be up so you can view it and show it off. Merry Christmas Cindy!From Clem ❤️

Playlist Live 2017

I remember this like it was yesterday! When everyone else was too busy and unable to take me all the way to Washington DC, I couldn't say I was too surprised.But to my surprise, there was one crazy lady that was willing to help me out... Cindy Lou!!! (and Poppop too!)I will always remember this: from the train ride, to the hotel, the event itself, and everything in between.This was back when I loved YouTube more than anything, and I wanted to make videos all day. You supported me on my journey from day one!And this is just one example that comes to mind... we've been to so many fun events together (many of which you were dragged to, just cause you love me.. lol!)This was also the trip where I got my favorite denim jacket in the train station... I still wear and love it to this day! You had to sneak to buy it for me because it was expensive... don't let Poppop find out!!!

The Butterfly

This is still so crazy to me! I know you remember this well - and I'm so glad you had the thought to take a picture.This little guy was just chilling in the palm of my hand for a good 10-20 minutes! I remember us talking about how it was my Dad coming to say hello, and I still think it was. God and the world is weird like that!I've never seen a butterfly do that, ever again in my life. To anyone!I really think that this was a special moment that he wanted us to have together! Maybe because he knew you'd recognize it... maybe because the timing was just right... but whatever the reason, it was incredible! And I still believe it was a message/sign from him!It is just as amazing that we have it captured in a photo forever!!

Christmas Shopping

Something I always think about is how fun (and funny!) Christmas shopping with you was. It would always go the same way:Me: Wow, this is nice!
You: Do you want it?
Me: Nah
You: I'm getting it
And then a 10 minute debate ensues about whether or not I actually like it... always with the same result. A purchase.I tell this story to everyone who will listen because 1. I think it's hilarious and 2. it truly captures you as a person: You always made sure I had the best Christmas ever as a kid!And in reality, Christmas shopping was always about our time together... I remember much less of the gifts than I do the memories and laughs we shared while shopping.